Setting Up Timith

From the previous guide we have have the following information:

  • Contract Address

  • Minting function name

  • Price per mint

  • Max mints for each transaction

To get started Go to Timith and click "New Event" on the bottom left.

Inserting contract address

Get the contract address from etherscan and paste it into the first input.

When the you paste the contract address the function names will automatically populate with the possible names from the contract.

Note: This list of function names comes directly from the contract with the help from the etherscan API.

Inserting the function name

When you click on the function name input. Some suggestions should popup. If you don't get this dropdown list immediately then click out and click back in.

Find the name of the minting function and click it. In our case its mint(uint256)

What does uint256 mean?

99.99% of the time this won't matter. There are some special use cases that this values needs to be known. These use cases will be detailed at a later section of this guide.

We should have something like this.

When you pick the function name the section "Arguments / Function Parameters" should automatically change with the amount of parameters you should have with this function. In our case we only need to fill out _amount.

Remember that the max mints per transaction. This is where we need that information. In our case the max mint for a transaction is 1.

Fill in the price?

Remember the price per mint is 0.2.

Note. This is the max amount that you need to send to fulfill the transaction.

For example. each mint is 0.04 and you can mint 10 per transaction. So this means that you have to send 0.4. 0.04 x 10 = 0.4.

Fill in Priority fee and Max Gas.

What does these mean.

Priority is the "Miner Tip". This goes directly to the miner. This means the higher the priority fee the more likely it is that your transaction will get mined. During a Hype mint this number can go up to 700 or even more. This also means that you are paying for for this transaction to go through. So you have to decide how much you are willing to spend on this transaction.

Max Gas is the base cost of the current block. To be eligible to be picked by a miner you have to have a higher max gas than the current block. How do I know how much to send? During a Hype Mint the base gas will go up each time a block gets mined so you need to keep this in mind when you are filling this value out. Don't worry about over doing it. When the transaction gets mined you are only paying for the current price of gas at the time it gets mined and the rest gets refunded. In the image below you can see that I sent a max of 39, but only 33.2 was used. This saved me $0.51.

Finishing up.

The last thing that you should do is pick a name and and Add to Inventory.

Running the Snipe Instance

Click Initiate the instance should go to the empty space in the background. To start it click on the play button. It should look like this.

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