Dynamic Contract Values

Sometimes the owner of a contract will change some values of their contract after deployment.

With the new Dynamic Values system within Timith you can always got the most updated contract values.

To invoke a contract value you have to have the format VAL:<CONTRACT VALUE>. For example if you need the maxPerTx -> VAL:maxPerTx. This will get the maxPerTx of the contract at the time when you create this event.

Some Use Cases include:

  • Having the most updated contract values at your disposal.

  • You can always share the most updated values of a contract even if the owner changes the values.

To get the list of values offered by a contract you just have to click icon next to the function name after you input a valid contract.

NOTE: These values are taken and saved when you initiate the event and are not updated in real time while the contract is running.

How to use the Dynamic Values

You have to type Val: in front of contract value. You speed up this process by opening the Contract List menu and clicking on any value name, the orange ones.

You know if you have it correctly if the color within the input is also orange. This indicates that you are using a Reserved Word.

Last updated